Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dropping in!!!!!

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO to all my blogging buddies out there. Super long time now talk.
Well to recap!

*On November 20th Adam and I closed on our first home! Major fixer-upper but making serious progress. I hope to have some before and after photos in the next century.

*We adopted two baby doggies (photos to come) they are the cuttttessttt

*Photography is going.. slow during the winter months but I have had a ton of great feed back on my work and a lot of interested parties. If you haven't visited here is the link to see some of my work : VISIT MY FLICKR SITE BY CLICKING HERE

*I turned 25... I know.. not too old not too young... This is an interesting age. Interesting in that I don't really know what I want to do with myself... but it is a good time to start figuring all that out!

*And I just want to let everyone know I haven't fallen too far from the creativity

wagon. I always have my photography but I have made two new pieces....

The last piece I made as I was listening to the Firefly song.... you know the one.

Well I hope everyone is having a creative and successful new year. I know mine has been very busy filled with many thing to be thankful for. I am not sure if I would have played my hang any other way. I really hope to get some photos of my babies up soon. Share their cute little mugs with the world. Sending all of my love to my blog buddies who have not forgotten about me. I might leave from time to time but I always come back. Like a bad penny right? Smooches, Steph

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Major Massive Out Of This WORLD announcments!

Hello hello have I missed all of you!

I hate hate hate hate that I haven't been around in sooo long but my life has been turned upside down inside out and every which way but relaxing. But with all that I haven't forgotten about any of you and although I don't have much time for commenting I have been around lurking in the shadows. I have two MAJOR life changing announcements and I absolutely must share them with all of you before everyone else ... The first..

***Stephanie Mannuci Photography*** is officially equipted with a website. Oh yes finally operational. I will tell you this wasn't easy at all. The market for photography websites is very very very expensive. The maintenence is even more so! So I simply went to blogger, fashion (with the help of online instructions) what I think is a very business looking layout. I desinged some banners, added some links and I think it came out pretty nice! Now it is all about building my portfolio. My photography is really starting to take form to the point where people recognize my work. Even as far as many people saying it is Twilight-esque. This is off becuase I have not read the books and only saw a fraction of the film.

So here is a snip-it below. You can redirect there by clicking the link above or typing in

Please enjoy and visit often for updates!

The second announcement is huge it is massive it is out of this world AMAZING... Are you ready!?!?!?!?! Here is a hint... Do you get it?!?!?!?!?

I AM GOING TO BE A HOME OWNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is right on Nov. 20th with the good graces we will be closing!!!!!!!!!!! And what a better way of sharing this expirence than blogging about it. This is 100% a flip house. It is run down uninhabitable and Adam and I will be flipping EVERY room in it and the outside as well. This will be an amazing journey and one that I want to document and share with all of you. I want to hear your opinions, I will be taking photos along the way of the house, color pallets, and vintage finds, I will be looking to all of your for support. I am sure I will need it. Before all the fun decorating stuff we much finalize the mortgage.. NOW that is stressful!

The sad news, but not sad forever. While we are tending to the houses needs and my growing photography business my art will be taking a back seat until the house is in liveable condition. BUT BUT BUT.. this isn't forever. My art supplies has been packed away and it will eventually find a new home in a MUCH bigger space. So I ask all of you to hang in there with me. Stay with me, follow and join my new blog: .... Just like I needed your support here I need it there as well. And oh yes there will be plenty of art. I am calling this my art house from the decorating to the decorations. And I will need your input. Please join us!

So THANK all of you in advance. Thank you for the past and what I am sure will be an amazing future. Thank you for all the help and support you have all given me and for never giving up on me. This new journey isn't going to be easy but..... it is my journey


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hello all my lovely friends in blog land. Sorry it has been so long.. Wow times flies no matter what I am doing. So let's see… What have I been up to? For the last week I have been making my swiftest effort in catching up with old friends. Since for the last year I have been consumed with art, blogging, and Etsy. Although I love all of these things I had to step back and smell the roses. This last weekend Emily and I went to NYC were we met up with Jo Anne. It was a sister-in-law weekend so to speak. We had a great time and even got to do a little shopping. PIcture of Emily and I below

My photography business seems to be getting a lot of positive feedback and below I posted some photos from my latest shot. I have been spending a lot of time reading and understanding this very diverse art form (photography). I really think I like it and I might even try to pursue it on more of a full time level once Adam lands a job. That is right we are still looking for an engineering job any help is appreciated!

With the photography in the picture it has given me little time for art, that plus most of my art stuff had to be packed away because it simply doesn't fit in the apartment anymore… BOOOOO I really am heart broken but we can't afford to move. That and with Halloween, my favorite holiday fast approaching it makes me long for my paint brush. Alas, I do have my camera and I plan on getting out there and getting all the photos I can at the wonderful Autumn that I predict will be one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. For this I am excited. That and I can't wait for HalloWEEENENENEN! YIPPY

Anyway. I am off for now. I will talk to you all soon and wishing you all happy crafting SMOOCHES!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Stephanie Mannuci Photography Special

Hi All!
Super quick post to just let everyone know about a special I am running!

*** As a reminder I only shoot in natural light ***

Stephanie Mannuci Photography is offering a $50 special on (choose one of the following) baby, child, or family portraits. For your money you will receive up to one hour of photography time with me, one outfit change, one location change, and a post edited CD of your photos ready to print. ** Family protraits are up to 4 people, each additional person is a $5 dollar charge**Book two sessions and get 20% off the second session!! Contact me for details and if you have any questions.

I look forward to capturing your special moments!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

For all the Twilighters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so I promised everyone a Twilight photo shoot and I don't like going back on my promises so here is a teaser... Here we are again with my favorite model Emily, she is just amazing at what she does. We know each other so well that we anticipate the next shot and we just know what the other is thinking.

So as I mentioned before I am not a Twilight guru but I know SOOOO many people who are, but one thing is for certain I love the aesthetic! The cinematography was amazing so that is my inspiration! Smoooches, Steph

And if you haven't PLEASE check out my new and improved webiste at !

Have a Great Weekend!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello everyone and HAPPY Tuesday! Or as happy as a Tuesday can be!
Here is a photo shoot that I did over the weekend in a cemetery. I think there are some strong ones! I have reached a dilemma…. I am in trouble….You see; I am working on a computer that is 10 years old. I know I know.. With that, it doesn't have a high def. screen and you can imagine my camera is pretty high def. So while I am doing my editing in Photoshop on my antique computer screen everything looks great, but when I look at it on Adam's high def. screen I say OOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG. Everything looks different (and I can see mistakes) and although I save my files as workable I never want to go allll the way back and retouch them. This leads me to believe I am going to have to make another HUGE investment.

I work on a PC but I know the industry standard is a MAC. I am torn. I really don't have the money for a MAC but down the road I know I am going to have to get one BUUUTTT all my softwear is for PC. UGH!

Anyway. I hope everyone is doing well. I am sure people are busy with their kids being home from school and taking family vacations. I just want to say I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to stop in and look at my blog and comment. It is true when people say that comments feed the blog. I wouldn't have come this far without them!

Sorry for the short post…. but I will say this… keep an eye out for a twilight inspired photoshoot!


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Please stop by my Plumes Ami Shop on Etsy were I am offer 20% off your entire purchase. Not just one item ALLL items! The more you buy the more you save. These fine threads make fine gifts and this offer is for a limited time!


Howdy Folks,
I am just dropping in with a quick post as we all have to band together. Danita of Danita art has been copied and the scum is selling her work. Please stop over and read her post -----> Copy Cat Post. Let us send a message to the thief that what has been done is NOT OKAY with any of us!
The good Samaritan who discovered the fraud did the right thing. Let us all keep that in mind if ever we see a reproduction outside of an artists key selling sites/shops.


badge for mixed media art


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