Hello hello have I missed all of you!
I hate hate hate hate that I haven't been around in sooo long but my life has been turned upside down inside out and every which way but relaxing. But with all that I haven't forgotten about any of you and although I don't have much time for commenting I have been around lurking in the shadows. I have two MAJOR life changing announcements and I absolutely must share them with all of you before everyone else ... The first..
I hate hate hate hate that I haven't been around in sooo long but my life has been turned upside down inside out and every which way but relaxing. But with all that I haven't forgotten about any of you and although I don't have much time for commenting I have been around lurking in the shadows. I have two MAJOR life changing announcements and I absolutely must share them with all of you before everyone else ... The first..
***Stephanie Mannuci Photography*** is officially equipted with a website. Oh yes finally operational. I will tell you this wasn't easy at all. The market for photography websites is very very very expensive. The maintenence is even more so! So I simply went to blogger, fashion (with the help of online instructions) what I think is a very business looking layout. I desinged some banners, added some links and I think it came out pretty nice! Now it is all about building my portfolio. My photography is really starting to take form to the point where people recognize my work. Even as far as many people saying it is Twilight-esque. This is off becuase I have not read the books and only saw a fraction of the film.
So here is a snip-it below. You can redirect there by clicking the link above or typing in http://www.stephaniemannuciphotography.com/
Please enjoy and visit often for updates!

The second announcement is huge it is massive it is out of this world AMAZING... Are you ready!?!?!?!?! Here is a hint... Do you get it?!?!?!?!?

I AM GOING TO BE A HOME OWNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is right on Nov. 20th with the good graces we will be closing!!!!!!!!!!! And what a better way of sharing this expirence than blogging about it. This is 100% a flip house. It is run down uninhabitable and Adam and I will be flipping EVERY room in it and the outside as well. This will be an amazing journey and one that I want to document and share with all of you. I want to hear your opinions, I will be taking photos along the way of the house, color pallets, and vintage finds, I will be looking to all of your for support. I am sure I will need it. Before all the fun decorating stuff we much finalize the mortgage.. NOW that is stressful!
The sad news, but not sad forever. While we are tending to the houses needs and my growing photography business my art will be taking a back seat until the house is in liveable condition. BUT BUT BUT.. this isn't forever. My art supplies has been packed away and it will eventually find a new home in a MUCH bigger space. So I ask all of you to hang in there with me. Stay with me, follow and join my new blog: http://www.flippin58knightstreet.blogspot.com/ .... Just like I needed your support here I need it there as well. And oh yes there will be plenty of art. I am calling this my art house from the decorating to the decorations. And I will need your input. Please join us!
So THANK all of you in advance. Thank you for the past and what I am sure will be an amazing future. Thank you for all the help and support you have all given me and for never giving up on me. This new journey isn't going to be easy but..... it is my journey
Congratulations Steph!!! That's so awesome and I'm very happy for you. I love your photography web site- very professional!!
CONGRATS ~ BIG NEWS is right! The new photography website looks great!!!
Popping in to say a belated hello!
Have a great weekend!
Yoour the best
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