My photography business seems to be getting a lot of positive feedback and below I posted some photos from my latest shot. I have been spending a lot of time reading and understanding this very diverse art form (photography). I really think I like it and I might even try to pursue it on more of a full time level once Adam lands a job. That is right we are still looking for an engineering job any help is appreciated!
With the photography in the picture it has given me little time for art, that plus most of my art stuff had to be packed away because it simply doesn't fit in the apartment anymore… BOOOOO I really am heart broken but we can't afford to move. That and with Halloween, my favorite holiday fast approaching it makes me long for my paint brush. Alas, I do have my camera and I plan on getting out there and getting all the photos I can at the wonderful Autumn that I predict will be one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. For this I am excited. That and I can't wait for HalloWEEENENENEN! YIPPY
Anyway. I am off for now. I will talk to you all soon and wishing you all happy crafting SMOOCHES!