Friday, September 26, 2008

ETSY GRAND OPENING and other Fun Stuff

Welcome to the house of Fantastic Figments
Where I use all different colors and pigments
Everything is original and nothings what it seems
This is a world only found in dreams
A place with special sites for all to see
Made with 100% love for you from me.
Say so-long to the mundane and hello to the whimsy
And enjoy your spin around my very own Etsy.

Everyone hold your breath the moment has finally arrived. GRAND OPENING OF FANTSTIC FIGMENTS ETSY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *claps, applause* I know it was a long time coming but it is finally time.
The first five customers will receive a door prize with their purchase as well as a 10% off coupon good for one future item.

Who: Fantastic Figments owner and operator: Stephanie Mannuci
Where: Fantastic Figments Etsy Store (<---link)
When: 9/28/08

Please please please stop by on Sunday you support in this means a lot to me. My blog friends are my art family and we all need a shoulder to lean on.

~*~*~*~*~Other Fun Stuff~*~*~*~*~*~

1.Last night our work had a cocktail mixed… very nice

2.Also Last night I had my first knitting refresher class and met two WONDERFUL new ladies that I am sure I will have a blast with.

3.Today at work we are going to extreme adventure ( hanging in the tree and having an awesome time on the zip lines

4.Tonight I am going to see LISA LAMPONELLI LIVE!!!!! For those of you who are unsure of who she is… She is a comedienne who is featured a lot on comedy central during the roasts.

Needless to say I am really really excited and have had the best two days EVER!

Smooches y'all and please stop over on sunday!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Around The Corner

(****Above is a link to the Fantastic Figments Give-A-Way, get your entry in now!****)
Finally, Fall is in the air, our should I say on the trees. Here in upstate NY the leaves are changing fast. In the blink of an eye the most beautiful time of year will be behind us as we set in for another cool winter. BUT ALAS, let us not stew in grief here I have a little cutie to cheer us all up. This is Melvin Halloween.

The wise ol'pumpkin head who sits and waits patiently year after year for fall to bestow her glorious colors on the world. He waits for fall but longs for the day where ghouls and goblins play, All Hollows Eve. He radiantly sparkles and shimmers in the light sitting, waiting, for a very special night. We only see him one time of year but when he is out we can be assured Halloween is near!

I love sitting at my studio table looking out the window. The senior citizens home across the street is hosting a Halloween Festival this years and the lawn outside is COVERED in pumpkins! They are everywhere. I could easily say about 150 pumpkins adorn the lush green lawn. And at least one of those will be mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another activity that I am working on is my Fall calendar. Call me a goon but during this time of year I don't let a second go where I am not enjoying it's beauty. There is apple picking, wine tasting, hiking, and the list goes on. Of course there is never enough time to do it all but I desperately try. I would love for you to tell me what your favorite Fall activity is. I would love to try something new and I am sure you all have some creative ideas!

Have a blustery day,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Give Away, Give Away, Give Away, TIIIIMMMMEEEEE

That is right, come one come all and be part of my first give-a-way EVER! What is the prize you might ask… hmm… let me see… how about this oooohhhhh sooooo cute miniature ghoulish ghost ornament.

(This little guy is one of several in a set of miniature Halloween ornaments that will be up for grabs at my etsy store)

Craftily hand molded by yours truly this polymer creation is sure to add a little spook to any small Halloween tree. But wait there is more!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second name that is picked will receive a 15% off coupon to put towards a purchase in my Etsy Store (Coming soooooonn).

What do you have to do you might ask!?!?!?! Wellll….. besides being wonderful you ,just leave me a comment on this post telling me your favorite Autumn food or drink (recipes welcome) If you do not have a blog you can still enter by sending me an email with you favorite Autumn food or drink. If you would like to pass on the news of a give-a-way that would be greatly appreciated! Drawing will be held on Monday September 29th (have your entry in by Sunday) and winner will be announced via blog!

I wish you all good luck and I hope to hear from many of you.


Monday, September 22, 2008


If I could hug you all I would and if I could respond to all your sympathy emails I definitely would. I am so overwhelmed with the wonderful support of my fellow artists and bloggers that in honor of my Grandfather (Poppy) and all of you, I am going to be having a give away. Stay tuned and in the next couple of days I will post it. Again from the bottom of my heart thank you for sticking with me through this tough time and if I can help any of you please let me know.

Also there will be a big surprise coming up!!!!! A change of pace so to speak *caugh etsy cough*.. I am excited about it .. that too will be unveiled in a couple of days.

Again thanks for sticking by my side and I hope to be in touch with all of you real soon!


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