Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank You
After that procedure was done they had to stuff the incision with gauze. So inside the cut was filled with gauze and this morning Adam had to rip it out. DOUBLE OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Followed by uncontrolable crying for at least 30 mins.
I just really want to keep everyone up to date what is happening. I have another appt. on Monday I don't want anymore pain but I know that is unrealistic!
Please hang around I am just so nervous that you are all going to leave due to me not posting any art and with the holidays and all. I really need your support right now. You all mean so much to me and it is just KILLING me that I haven't been able to do any art in almost 2 weeks.
Don't forget the drawing is still going to take place and I might try to make an Etsy update sometimes today or tomorrow.
The weather here is horrible we have about 3 inches of snow over 2 inches of ice and I am a nervous wreck becuase Adam has to drive to Albany! I hate when he has to drive in these condtions.
He has been really good about me being sick (at first he didn't want anything to do with it) (I kind of understand it is really really gross, lots of blood and all that) but now he is very helpful and changes all the dressesing and is coooking (although I can't seem to eat)
I am getting a little tired now. Thank you all for you well wishes and for sicking around. Please don't leave me I hope to be back in action as soon as possible. I will keep you all posted with my health.
Big smooches to you all. I could really use some Christmas cheer
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Out of comission
Well.. I am sick.. and I mean sick as a dog. With a new icky development with my cyst yesterday I decided to go see my primary for a second opinion since I developed what I thought was a cold on top of all of it. I am going to make this quick because I am extremely nauseous from the pain killers I am on but..... here is the short of it..
I guess somewhere along the line a became antibiotic immune and the infection got worse and has caused cellulitis (kinda like a staff infection) and the cyst has drained into a different area. SOOO I am scheduled for an emergency meeting tomorrow with the surgeon. So with all my white blood cells fight the infection of my cyst is wasn't able to protect me and my weekend immune system from a respiratory infection. Ya a lot of yucky stuff. I feel awful I haven't been able to create anything (but a mess).. Please bear with me during this time I will be back as soooon as possible. This Sunday is still the drawing for the giveaway!!!! I will email the winner!
take care,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Howdy ..
Well I know I haven't done a video in a longgggg time so I thought I would do one. I didn't know what to do so I did my make-up I know I am a goone. Anywho it has music with it so turn my playlist off at the bottom of my blog.
I am working on a little somthin somethin (okay just a painting) but I really like it.. sooooo cute! I hope to get it done tonight.
Well this brain has been doing some thinking.. Ahh yes don't we all smell the unmistakable sent of burning wood. Okay now that the tacky joke is out of the way, I have been pondering this question for a long time. I am sure I am not the only one but I have yet to see it mentioned through all my days of blogging. Do we ladies and gents of the art blogspot world ever meet up? I mean not just two or three of us who live close enough, but a group of us? This might be the event coordinator in me but I almost feel that there is an injustice done if I never get to meet any of these wonderful people I have been conversing with for so long. Our own little mixed media convention. Just curious.
Then of course my mind expands on this thought and says. Due to travel costs we would have to break if down into regions so there would be 5 chapters (Northeast, Southeast, Central, Southwest, and Northwest). We would also have to have dues to cover the cost of the meeting hall, or if it is a manageable group we could always meet at a house. We could make it a yearly event (one shot deal) to bring some of our items and to showcase them and maybe swap techniques and chew over some ideas about getting the word out to the public about our little corner of the world (there are sooo many people who don't even know us and that our art work exists). Believe it or not I know people who have never heard of ETSY! (gasps from the crowd) I know dears I know….
I guess that was all a dream but then I woke up. But isn't this a place to dream and to explore. Call me Peter Pan but I'm never doing to lose the child like hope and I will never stop believing in the things I am passionate about. So just a thought to mull over for all those starving artists out there who have met special people like them on here. Something to tuck away in the back of your mind and bring it out when the timing is right. And as a very smart intelligent woman once said to me, "why not?"
Lovely Tuesday Ladies (and Gents)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Well well well.. I guess today is Monday. I guess I am okay with that because there is an exciting development! ADAM is undergoing his VERY LAST week of classes (or should I say finals). I know finals aren't normally a time to celebrate but we have been waiting a long long long long time for this. For YEARS we have been working opposite schedules because he had to go to school during the day but very soon I will have some one to go home to at night. So in that sense this is the best Christmas gift ever!
I really have to thank you all for your well wishes! I am indeed feeling better. Not 100% and I still have to sit on a donut but all that positive energy took the pain away and for that I am very thankful. I have a Dr. appt the 17th so I am crossing my fingers!

I was bestowed a LOVELY (truly the graphic if beautiful) awards from THREE beautiful ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the talented and entertaining Jenny from Wonders of Whimsy . If you haven't been to see her GO.. She has some of the best dolls around and her work is immaculate and did I mention her sense of humor ;) What a fire cracker! ALL Good stuff. Ms. Gina from Cap Nap Inn Primitives Always good for a laugh and a redneck fire alarm(Go ahead ask her about it). Funny like you wouldn't believe but her heart is as big as the Grand Canyon...... okay maybe a little bigger...Check out her little store of goodies. I love her mice! Also from the ever sweet Lisa from LL Creations . Talk about some top notch work. The queen of the 'perfect' girl. Lisa's art is as enchanting as her beautiful personality. Two artists not to miss!
The rules of the game:
Add the logo to your blog.
I got a really bad hair cut this weekend and I am not going to lie as vein as it is I am misearable about it. I asked her to least the length and to shape and she chopped my hair off. I have curly hair it takes forever to look like my hair grew. I am very upset and hate it (I know a strong word) but I am VERY VERY VERY attached to my hair and how it looks.
I didn't get a ton of work done this weekend. Started a few Christmas gifts which REALLY need to get done.
I will leave you with this. Part of my Winter Desolation Collection. That water sure does look chilly. At again, stand back and view from a foot or two away to get full effect!

Smooches my loves. I am sooooo thankful to have you all in my life to send me 'get better' love! I needed it …
badge for mixed media art
Lovely Blog Award

Lisa,Gina, Jenny (you ladies rock)
Marie Antoinette
Chris (CK)
Gail Lackey Award

Thank You Gail! and MISS P
Amazing Friendship

I Love Your Blog

Awards <3 blog

Award Kreative

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