Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So here is the scoop.. well two scoops. One I am sooo sooo soo soo sooo sorry I haven't been making my usual rounds. There is a little hiccup in my life right now and a whole lot of uncertainty. Unfortunately the hiccup is keeping from visiting all of you on a regular basis. Don't worry I am fine… but the hiccup is directly connected to the thing that I cannot talk about. DRATS I know I know. I am sure at this point some of you are getting very curious what this thing is. If you email me privately I will tell you all about it. Believe me it doesn't make me happy, but then again you can't control everything in life.

Please know that I think about you all constantly and can't wait until things are back to normal. Currently I am trying to rearrange my time so I can fit it all in, but as I said before with a full time job, creating, Etsy, advertising, and a personal life, it doesn’t leave my blog much time. But please stick with me. I want to hang onto these wonderful relationships!!!!!!!!! My goal is to post every other day and make my rounds twice a week. I love seeing everything you all create.

Okay onto something different. Soooo……Please excuse this latest ACEO not my finest, but I have an okay excuse. As I said previously two days ago I was fitted for contacts. I know I am getting old. I have reading glasses and contacts. Anywho… Like a baby learning to walk for the first time I haven't acquired my contact fingers yet, and managed to cut my eye. I know, can anything else go wrong with me.. shh.. Don't want to jinx it. So needless to say I was one-eyed last night with no glasses at all and she is what was born out of it. I think she is adorable!

Hmm what else.. Well .. My b-day is coming up Feb 7th. And with that , that is the day Adam and I scheduled to get our engagement photos done!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this moment.. well.. FOREVER! For some reason I have always been more excited for the engagement photos than the actual wedding.. ODDDD I know, but then again I am a little unusual. We are running into some issues though. First it is the dead of winter here in upstate NY and that means fridged temperatures. Second we need an inside location and well… just can't seem to find a nice one that we don't have to pay for. I am paying so much for the pictures that I don't want to pay for a location as well. AHHHHHHHHHH. Worst part about it I have Adam complaining because he doesn't want to get his pictures taken that long. Please understand he is definitely a man's man and doesn't like anything that involves aesthetics. ANYYY IDEAS are welcome. I wanted to do ice skating but Adam wears a size 16 skate so we can't afford or have time to have one made and ordered. Then I thought about tobogganing but we don't have a toboggan. I do have a few other ideas but I will save you the time. But if any of you have any cute thoughts for inside or outside I would love to hear about them!

Alright I am off to brave the cold. REAL COLD..


Monday, January 12, 2009

Here's The Scoop Boys and Girls


So I do have FOUR new items to show you guys. I know FOUR, but here is the kicker... They are oil paintings and they are taking forever and a day to dry. I know bummer. I took a stab or two with oil in the past but again left it behind due to its inability to keep up with my impatience.

BUUUTTT if you haven't stopped over please go to my New and Improved Etsy. As promised there is a little promo going on...

My mom did an awesome job helping me post this weekend. If you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them! My goal is to keep this baby stocked! As much as possible.

So I have been spending time over in Etsy chat and lovin it! Really great people and a lot of fun. Also it is a fun way to advertise AND FREE. Doesn't get any better than that.

I wish I could say I had an exciting weekend but alas, Sat U was doing Etsy all day, and Sunday we stayed in while I painted, BUT BUT... For since the first preview came out I have been wanting to see The Unborn. Finally saw it and I don't think it was half bad....

Today I am going to pick up my contacts. FOR THE FIRST TIME. Guys you wouldn't believe how nervous I am of messing up or screwing them up... I am sooooo nervous. I am going to get colored I think. I have hazel eyes (green and brown) and I think I am going to get green. Adam says blue.. I think blue.. I DON"T KNOW.. I have until 4:00pm today to make a choice.. Any suggestions??????????? What are comfortable brands you wear???

Alright tomorrow I want to tell you about a dream that I had (I wish I could now but I don't have time) It was a crazy dream.... so realistic I can remeber the detail like it was yesterday. Kinda creepy.

Alright loves..

Happy Monday


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