But before the good stuff I need to just get out of the rest of the bad, and what better a place than to all my friends here.
The Dr. Appt. I had yesterday went crappy to say the least. The darn thing is infected and oozing and everything else under the sun. I think I should come up with a name for it calling it "the cyst" is no impersonal for being in such a personal place. Unfortunately, they have to wait for the infection to go away before I see what a surgeon has to say. That will be my second surgery on the same spot. HOOO HUMMM! So I have 10 days of trying to sit on a donut. And I sit for a living!
But I had a HUGE dose of humble pie last night… Adam's grandmother informed us that she has Ovarian Cancer. So with said and all the bad news out it is time for me to stop dwelling on the bad and start sending out the good!
And what better way then Christmas cheer. So all that negative energy that I am storing I am turning into good energy for Adam's beloved Grandma and sending it her way!
Here is a little piece to get us in the mood! I did it before I got sick and I am hoping to get some more done soon and put them on Etsy. This is my Christmas Cheer collection, the LET IT SNOW snowmen are part of this collection as well.
I am going to keep this short, but all I ask is that we all take our negative energy. The hard feelings we have been storing, the angry notions we might have been harboring and just chase them off with positive happy thoughts!