Thursday, December 4, 2008

Enough is enough I need some Christmas cheer

So I am so over all the bad news as of late that I need some positive thoughts!

But before the good stuff I need to just get out of the rest of the bad, and what better a place than to all my friends here.
The Dr. Appt. I had yesterday went crappy to say the least. The darn thing is infected and oozing and everything else under the sun. I think I should come up with a name for it calling it "the cyst" is no impersonal for being in such a personal place. Unfortunately, they have to wait for the infection to go away before I see what a surgeon has to say. That will be my second surgery on the same spot. HOOO HUMMM! So I have 10 days of trying to sit on a donut. And I sit for a living!

But I had a HUGE dose of humble pie last night… Adam's grandmother informed us that she has Ovarian Cancer. So with said and all the bad news out it is time for me to stop dwelling on the bad and start sending out the good!

And what better way then Christmas cheer. So all that negative energy that I am storing I am turning into good energy for Adam's beloved Grandma and sending it her way!

Here is a little piece to get us in the mood! I did it before I got sick and I am hoping to get some more done soon and put them on Etsy. This is my Christmas Cheer collection, the LET IT SNOW snowmen are part of this collection as well.

I am going to keep this short, but all I ask is that we all take our negative energy. The hard feelings we have been storing, the angry notions we might have been harboring and just chase them off with positive happy thoughts!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Joy in Mudville.

This post is by no means to depress anyone, but being a blog I think I am allowed to write to vent. So yesterday just wasn't a good day. NOT GOOD AT ALL! I am going to start from the beginning because there is where most stories begin.

Monday night I slept AWFUL. No sleep at all just a lot of tossing and turning which I dismissed to heartburn at the time. I got up before the alarm and went on my merry(or not so merry way) and did my morning routine. At the very end of this so called routine I put on my shoes and head out the door. I went to sit down and this is where the down hill spiral starts. I sat down and this shooting pain went up my spine. To the point of it knocked me over. I knew in a second what the pain was, it wasn't the first time I had it and once you have it once you will never forget. My pilonidal cyst returned. To save you the disgusting details and give you the short and not so sweet. This is a type of abscess that lives at the bottom of your spinal chord. When I was about 15 I had surgically removed, but guess what it is back with vengeance! I CAN"T SIT DOWN! So this happened yesterday morning so I immediately called the Dr. to make an appointment. I don't know what to do. I didn't even know they could grow back… but all I know now is I can't sit down without a stupid rubber doughnut! How stylish.

You would think my story ends there, but no, not at all. I get a phone call an hour after making my Dr. appt. that I have to go to the hospital and that my Mom fell on ice. So I get in my car (but mind you I can't sit down because the pain of sitting is excruciating) soooo I drove 30 mins to the hospital ON MY SIDE! I get to the hospital and my poor poor poor mother is a reck. Mind you she is 60… So there was lots of damage and a lot of pain. She beyond broke her humorous bone in her shoulder; there were other moderate injuries but no other breaks. Poor thing is locked up in a straight jacket-looking devise and just in so much uncontrollable pain!

But of course what would a story be without the conclusion. The night before we had to put to sleep our beloved Elvis.. He was our Poodle Terrier mix that happy lived with us for 16 years. He just couldn't cope with the pain anymore and we couldn't cope with seeing him in pain. My mom and dad were DEVISTATED! So that only added on to the never ending array of awful occurrence that transpired over two days!

A year down the road I might be able to chuckle at the fact that so many bad things happened in such a short span of time but right now I am bummmmmed out!
Good news is I have Dr. appt today so hopefully my spine issue will get straightened out! I am crossing my fingers. I will keep you all updated (if they do the surgery painting will be tough on my stomach!)

Now this is irony…. I started doing a black and white collection of paintings that I want to call winter desolation. The meaning is the beauty behind to dreariness, darkness, despondency. So I think it will fit this post perfect!
This is meant to be viewed from a distance. So stand back a foot or two to get the full effect!

EVERYONE stay safe and don't let my unluck rub off on you!


Monday, December 1, 2008


POLLS CLOSED AT 5pm eastern time. Sorry but any posts after this time will not be counted in the giveaway! 12-14-08 /5:00 pm

Good morning to you all and I hope that you have recovered from your turkey commas. I have to apologize that I have been as sparse as Charlie Brown's Christmas tree but you understand what happens when you have house guests .

BUTTTT… BUTTT... I have done work. Oh yes, I have been busy on off times. You will all be the first to see the unveiling of my very first, official, and built from the ground up, WEBSITE!!!!!!!!! Please, when you have the time stop over and check it out!

The site is almost complete but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. The purpose of this site is to be a hub, I will still be doing all of up daily updating from here my beloved blog, but now there will be one inclusive area to reach my selling shops as well as view all of my work (which is taking forever to load up). Eventually it will all be there.

To commemorate this momentous occasion I think a GIVEAWAY is in order! And the lucky winner will receive two signed and dated 5"X7" prints of my original artwork! And the greatest part is you get to pick. Please pick from two below and at the time of the drawing I will ask the winner to clue me in on which two they picked!

DEC 14th (sorry I forgot to state a date)

Now for the rules
For one entry: Simply comment on this post and only this post telling me you favorite Christmas Song
For Two entries: You can click and save the giveaway badge that is at the top of my sidebar and place it on your blog(tracing the link back to my blog). Then comment on this post only to tell me that you have added the badge and BAM double your chances! (and yes you can still tell me your favorite Christmas song)

Tell your friends the more the merrier! Spread the holiday cheers!

Well I hope that everyone is getting in the Christmas cheer. I am getting there. Give me another week and I will just jump right in.

I did this little number last night.

Adam and I had a wonderful day yesterday. We went to the local coffee shop had a latte and walked around the city. When we got back is started to snow! How perfect! I sat at my studio and painted in front of my HUGE picture window and watched the snow fall. Bummer not much accumulation actually by the morning it melted but it was nice to see if falling. Adam even comments on how he wised we had a fire place (oh gee Mr. Never Romantic actually broke from the shell). Must have been all the holiday cheer my painting was spreading!

Alright well this was info overload. If you have any questions about the giveaway PLEASE ask I will be more than happy to help you out.

Big smooches my lovelies and hug a loved one today!

badge for mixed media art


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