Please let me know what you think and don't forget to stop by my auctions and pick up an original. It is definitely a summer sale. Moving out the inventory!
I am going white water rafting this weekend I am soooo excited! I haven't been in years but I use to LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I hope we end up with nice weather. Lately it has been chilly, like Fall chilly (and to me that is the best weather there is). Speaking of strange weather my heart does go out to all those in the midst of storm Fay, stay safe.
I have enjoyed reading every ones blogs about their kids going back to school. I have yet to have such a wonderful experience since I don't have children but I bet it is a bottle of mixed emotions. But I too will be heading back to school. Hopefully soon. I want to redirect my current BA into a BS for teaching and not just any teaching but an Art teacher. It will be a long road but I am really hoping to get a start on it next Spring semester. We will see. Dreams dreams dreams. I have a way of dreaming too big.
Alright my Lovelys enough rambling for today, or as my mother would say (excuse the crudeness) diarrhea of the mouth.
I will take my leave. Let me know what you think!