Friday, November 7, 2008

Today letter is 'F'....for 'F'riday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is the best day of the week. Here we are on the cusp of the weekend with so many possibilities ahead, but better still no work. I have been aching from a break from work (meaning the job that puts food on the table) I have been working straight (minus weekends) since July. But I know once I take one day off I will want more… ah yes greedy me!

No huge plans for this weekend. I think Adam is going to go up to my parents house and help my dad rebuild the roof. I know sounds stellar. My mom is in the midst of painting their backroom/den/laundry room, so in other words everyone will be working and I am afraid my mom will put me to work and I have SOOOOOO much to catch up on at my apartment! I know that sounds awful but every time I turn around there is something I have to do which is stopping me from finally getting art done. The Holidays are sneaking up and I don't feel like I have near enough. One good thing about going up my parents way is that there is a fabric store so I can go out and buy some fabric to make Christmas stockings. Also, yesterday I went to Dick Blick and FINALLY bought some studio stretched canvas, I think I got it for a decent price. But, if anyone knows a site where you can get stretched canvas on the cheap PLEASE let me know.

This is my new piece. I have REALLY been into illustrations lately. Her name is Lia and boy is she buttering up to Santa! She is on 5"/7" sturdy matte board. Done in mixed media, using mostly water color and acrylics. She will be heading over to eBay hopefully on Sunday to bring some holiday cheer!

Wow I hope everyone's Friday is a TON more eventful than mine. I will talk to everyone real soon. Etsy and eBay updates real soon.

Oh and before I leave I was TAGGGGGGGGGED I am it: by the talented Ms. Laticia at Regalo, the rules are.....
  • Link to the person who tagged you.Mention the rules.
  • Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
  • Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.
  1. I am obsessed with horror movies
  2. I know all the presidents in chronoligical order
  3. I have to fall alseep on my stomach
  4. My favorite cocktail is Blueberry Shminof and Diet Pepsi
  5. I lock my keys in my car all the time
  6. I don't do dishes (the creep me out)

Now that you all think I am nuts.. I am going to tag.... Jenny, Connie, Veronica, (and I am leaving it up to 3 other individual who would like to take this to their blog) I always break the rules!

Have a Super Day!

Smoooches, TGIF, Yours Till Niarga falls,


Lance said...

wow your work is amazing! why am I just now coming across your blog lol?

Christopher A. Klingler said...

LOVED reading more about you!!!

FUN tidits!

I fall asleep on my stomach too.

TGIF & have a great weekend.

Chris :)

Connie said...

Steph, I have been kind of out of it lately, down in the dumps, creatively dry, and missing my youngest daughter in Texas. Visiting your blog always cheers me up, because you are quirky and funky and loving. So thanks for all that today. As for the tagging thing, I might give that job to Jill, she loves that kind of thing! If I told you 6 things about myself, I would likely go on to 7 or 8 or.. . . yeah, well, maybe in an e-mail sometime!!! Love ya, Connie

Amy Short said...

Hi Stephanie!

I finally had a chance to check out your blog and I am soooo glad I did! Your work is wonderful and I love your latest illustration with the long hair. Fabulous. Your wit is hilarious too. I will be back to visit often. :o)

PS. The last time I was in Saratoga Springs I was watching Dave Matthews in concert! Ahhhh. PPS. I went to school in Plattsburgh. God I miss New York!!

Catherine Holman said...

Hi Steph, Sounds like you're busy too! I get my canvas from

badge for mixed media art


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