Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stephanie Mannuci Photography

Stephanie Mannuci Photography

I know it doesn't hurt to have such a beautiful subject but I am very pleased with the way these turned out! I took them in overcast weather (PEEERFECT picture taking weather that is)
I didn't use a flash because I really don't like flashes and the artificial look. I like raw natural live color and beauty.
This is Adam's sister Emily and she is a wonderful person inside and out (I am sure you can see that.) She has so many dimensions that she really becomes the perfect subject. She lets you in and allows you to see what is behind those baby blues. I can't wait to take more pictures with her!

She has a good heart and she was very patient with me. Not everyone likes to get their picture taken! I didn't have to twist her arm too hard once I told her she could have the photos.

I really wanted to capture the lush greens in juxtaposition to her pale hair and skin

Now I am totally changing topics since I just need to write this to write it. I like to share my thoughts and feelings as much as I can. I want people to understand my art and to do that I think it is nice to let people see who you are as a person. More important to see that not everything is perfect and beautiful all the time. I know some time ago I wrote about my love for imperfection. I should have wrote more about coming to terms with imperfection. So I guess this is what I am doing now.

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
If I could live by one quote I would love to live by this one. Lately (and by that I mean the last year) I have been struggling with this and big time. I hold everything to such a high standard, including myself but I fail to recognize that nothing is perfect. Also I fail to realize that I can't change and control everything. Honestly it has caused a huge upheaval and I can't seem to come to terms with acceptance. I am not even sure how to accept and the more I reflect I am not sure if I have ever just accepted anything. I wish to be at easy but I always feel as though I am in a constant battle......I want to be at ease, I want to taste serenity, if only once.

I would like to say I am slowly working on it. But I don't know where to start. I find it very hard to understand life right now, I know it is such a beautiful thing and there are some aspects about it I love, I love creating and sharing my creations with others. I love talking with people who share in similar interests. But in all the beauty inner turmoil always finds me. Really I am tired of being Debbie Downer. There is so much I enjoy and want to share but certain outside influences never allow me to fully blossom. I am held back from what I know I can achieve and I become bitter. I am in a situation that won't last forever but a situation that keeps me from pursuing my arts. A situation that is necessary and a situation I must give acceptance. This is strange because I never let anything beat me.....but I feel if I don't accept it I will be beating myself in the end.

I wish everyone a WONDERFUL Wednesday. I know Ghost Hunters are on tonight and Adam will be home so in all honestly it doesn't get much sweeter than that!

Please leave any comments you would like to about the photos. I love to hear feedback! No really please critique



Christopher A. Klingler said...

GREAT pictures Steph!

Chris (-:

Connie said...

Sometimes you spook me out, girl. My husband - my girls' dad - was a photographer. My 2 oldest girls just bought similar cameras and taking some sweet photos. It looks like you have the same talent. Bill's favorite thing was outdoor photography on overcast days just using available light. What fun you will have! You are going to make some money with it, I hope. Still wishing you the peace you so desire. -Connie

Amariah said...

I love your pictures- you have a fantastic eye for composition!!!

The fifth one down is overexposed~ was that on purpose?

Anyways, I love the high saturation! and I think you did a great job!!!

I wish you lived in Central Illinois so you could take some pictures of me!

I know what you mean about struggling and not wanting to accept a situation that you are dissatisfied with. I am the exact same way and I don't think it's such a bad thing to want things to be different or better. In fact, if you just accept things as they are you'll never change!!

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