Monday, October 6, 2008

My plate is full and my thoughts are racin'

I am busy busy busy! And why am I busy..

Well I am in the middle of an atc trade with a lovely lady from over the pond.

I am in the throws of making engagements and wedding invitations.

Tonight I have a knitting cocktail party. Okay I know alcohol and needles don't mix but I promise I will be responsible.

In addition, I have been commissioned for two of my mixed media pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm oh and I am mass producing the earrings because a great local boutique 80 West might be picking them up. Might is the key word but I am going to be working diligently on them anyhow.

And I am sure you have noticed come interesting little block looking pieces in the picture. I am sure most know that it is epoxy and I am going to be adding it to my jewelry. I am still learning so any tips are welcomed.

Oh and I set up my Halloween Department 56 village that was so graciously given to me by my most wonderful Aunt and Uncle! I can't wait to show everyone!


I don't know about you ladies but when I get busy my thoughts start to race. Could be the touch of ADD but I think it is an over abundance of creative juice.

I wake up every morning with the intent of having a great day. I never get up and say to myself today is going to stink. But recently as I embark on the one year ann. of my 'real life job' I grow increasingly restless. I do like my job, but a few weeks ago some one had a post up about defining a starving artist. I sat back and gave it some thought. Being 23 I am going through what I guess you can call a 1/4 life crisis. A million uncertainties and the only certainty is that there are no certainties. Ladies I am sure either you have been through this, you have children who have been through it, or you will have children who will go through it. This doesn't mean I am going to race out buy a Mustang, bleach my hair blonde, and get plastic surgery; it simply means I am at a cross roads with no path less or more traveled.
So back to the straving artist. I guess people aren't laughing when I say I dream of doing art full time, but there is the doubt. I am assured that in some form or another I will turn my one true passion into a sustainable income but that is where uncertainty rears it familiar ugly-ass head. What on earth can I do to make enough money to sustain? I can go back to school for my teaching degree, I can become certified in a form of art and teach classes, I could get on my knees and pray that my personal art will take off and I can move to some remote paradise, hire and cabana boy and sip frilly drinks to kingdom come? Okay the last one was extreme and I am not looking to make a killing I am looking to be happy. I think everyone has that right. I just want to create and live the life that suits me and not my bank account. But the flip side is who wants to be broke. Alas the uncertainty. Ladies ADVICE WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have suggestions I am 100% open to them nothing could hurt.

Smooches, my dears

Did anyone do anything fun this weekend?


Kim Hardt Originals said...

Hi Steph I left you a post down below. I got my goodies in the mail over the weekend. Thanks bunches. I love them. You are so sweet.


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Cocktail knitting partay!!! LOL :-D)


Don't knit & drive!

Chris :-P)

Fannie said...

Continue to create and explore each day, Steph, just like you're doing. These activities will refine your skills and prepare you for anything that presents itself in your future. Keep flying, Steph! You're doing great!

badge for mixed media art


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