Saturday, September 13, 2008

Transformation of a GREAT garage sale find!

Okay as I said earlier in the week I was going to a huge town wide sale that was occurring in the next town over. Always on the look out for great little treasures that people over look I was as keen as a hawk flying in for the kill. One of the treasure was a entire scrapbook of WWII news clippings in almost mint condition for $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This I gifted to Adam who is the ever loving fan of history.

But since I have been doing so much creating for the joy of others, I decided to treat myself to a little something !!!! And boy did I ever! Although the find was inexpensive, it made my week, and to think I almost passed it up (actually driving around for an hour and 1/2 before I committed to buying it!)

Here it is ...... and its transformation (took me ALLLLLLLLLLLLL day)..The pictures aren't the best since A) taking pictures of a mirror isn't the easiest, and B) some of the pictures are during the day and some are at night. The colors are (Lime Green, Rich Purple, Cream Cycle Orange)

(Above: The piece after sanding... it was an ugly green color)

(Above: After primer)

(Above: After adding lime green to the frame and purple to the scrolls)
(Above: Adding some pok-a-dots for fun)

(Above: First addition of the orange.... looking like fun to me!)

(Above: This is it all done and finished. As I said the lighting is awful since it is night time. Please ignore the mess in the reflection. I wanted to hang it but our drill broke!)

(BELOW:Before and After)

The piece itself I would love to know more about. On the back it has all the original manufacturing notes. It is made by Turner Manufacturing Company, and is known as a Turn Wall Accessory. My mom said that her Grandmother had one in the 50's and they are called Shadow Boxes. (the selves that are with it are original). My understanding is that this design came in many different looks. I have a gut feeling that the paint that was adorning it was entirely not original so I had no qualms about painting over it. If you know anything about these shadow boxes I would love to know. I looked online fore some information about it antique value but nothing. Not that the value is much to me because now it has become priceless.

Take care my lovelies and have a beautiful SUNDAY!



Nessa Dee said...

Very cool piece and great transformation! I love your artwork, very unique and whimsical!

Thanks for the nice comments!

noodle and lou said...

oh my gosh it is SO cool Steph!
Hooray for you!!! Love how you fixed it up:):) The scrapbook was a GREAT find and SUPER deal too!

Thanks for sharing with us Steph!!
Have a wonderful day:)

Fannie said...

AMAZING, Steph! What a great transformation! Bravo!

Connie said...

I LOVE IT!!! I don't know a thing about shadow boxes, except there were some dorky looking ones around and I have seen some made into fantastic funky figments!!!

badge for mixed media art


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