Tuesday, September 16, 2008

taking a leave

My grandfather passed away. I will be taking a leave I will be coming back but right now I have to be with my family.

My Warmest,


Okay all you ladies who are suckers for a little romance. I have a little teaser for you. Since I didn't get my painting done last night I thought I would write a little something for you all to enjoy to get the creative juices flowing.. Enjoy...

A New York City Autumn

Softly he brushed away the hair that was tickling her nose as he bent in and stole a soft kiss. The sweep of his lips was as gentle as the breeze that cascaded down from the tops of the autumnal leaves. She grabbed his hand tighter as they wove through the crowds of people that didn't seem to exist. The car horns squealed but all they could hear were the crackling of the leaves under foot. Finally they made their way to seclusion. She sat in the leaves as he took seat against an oak tree whose leaves were so red it looked as it was engulfed in flames. So warm she felt in his arms although the air outside was a crisp, cool. In fact, she could feel the brisk winds sting at her pores. No matter, life and limb would be sacrificed for this hour. She stared into his eyes which were piercing, full of love, kindness, and mystery. She had to divert her gaze or surely she would turn as red as the leaves that adorned the tree tops. He reached his arms out for her and she made her way above the crunching of the fallen leaves. She lay in his lap as he ran his fingers through her golden tresses. One orange leaf was entangled in her hair, clinging like it didn't want to leave. She felt the tugging but didn't mind. He wrestled the leaf free and handed it to her. "I guess it wanted to be part of something beautiful again," he whispered in her ear. She turned around and kissed him hard on the lips. She was in love.

Smooches Ladies,

Monday, September 15, 2008

And The Award goes toooo....

Please I would loveeee to send these out to everyone and this is by no means limited to my love for my fellow bloggers but rather people who have really went out of their way to inspire me. I hope I made Fannie Proud!

Now that I have had time to enjoy my lovey awards from Fannie I would like to pass them on. I am awarding the Kreative Blog Award to the girls at Things With Wings (especially Connie) who is an upbeat and energetic soul. Things With Wings never fails to send an inspirational memo with each fun and whimsy piece they offer. Please stop by and check them out. I promise you won't be disappointed.

The I Love Your Blog Award is going to a few individuals who I can't get enough of and visit their blog every day.. (Fannie if I could re-award you know I have much love)... but in no particular order this award goes toooooo... These ladies need no introduction...
1. The ever-sweet Jenn from Noodle and Lou Studio
2.Dani the master mind behind Ambitions Design
3. And the rambling lady Veronica from Art By Veronica (She is one an extended vacation... Jealous!)
Ladies thank you for your continued inspiration and kindess. Please enjoy these awards you deserve them :)
Smooches Lovelies!

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Lovely Blog Award

Lovely Blog Award
Lisa,Gina, Jenny (you ladies rock)

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette
Chris (CK)

Gail Lackey Award

Gail Lackey Award
Thank You Gail! and MISS P

Amazing Friendship

Amazing Friendship

I Love Your Blog

I Love Your Blog

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Awards <3 blog

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Award Kreative

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